Yonge Surgical

Operating Private Clinics for General Health, Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery, and other Health Care in Ontario, Canada

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n work performed by a surgeon.
surgery, access flap in osseous,
n a full-thickness or split-thickness flap created for the purpose of gaining access to the alveolar bone when surgical remodeling is indicated.
surgery, apically repositioned flap in mucogingival,
n a surgically created flap of gingival tissue that is repositioned apically to maintain or create a functionally adequate zone of attached gingiva. In the surgical procedure the existing attached and free gingiva is detached by employing a reverse bevel incision and apically repositioning the flap.
surgery, cosmetic,
n surgery whose purpose is to improve external appearance rather than general health.
surgery, first-stage,
n See surgery, stage-one.
surgery, full flap in mucogingival,
n a flap in which all the soft tissue elements are raised and repositioned, as opposed to the split-thickness flap.
surgery, mucogingival,
n surgical procedure designed to retain a functionally adequate zone of gingiva after surgical pocket elimination, create a functionally adequate zone of attached gingiva, alter the position of or eliminate a frenum, or deepen the vestibule.
surgery, oblique flap in mucogingival,
n an increased band of attached gingiva created by preparing a narrow papillary flap (to avoid donor site radicular recession), which is then rotated 90 and sutured into the prepared recipient site.
surgery, osseous,
n the therapeutic surgical measures used and designed to eliminate osseous deformities by means of ostectomy or osteoplasty or create a favorable environment by means of meticulous removal of the soft tissue contents of the infrabony osseous defect for the formation of new bone, periodontal membrane, and cementum to fill in the area of bone resorption.
surgery, pedicle flap in mucogingival,
n an increased band of attached gingiva created to repair a cleft by using proximal gingiva situated mesial and distal to the cleft, because gingiva in either location alone is not wide enough to cover the cleft if repositioned. The pedicles are repositioned laterally and sutured. Also called a 
double papilla procedure.
surgery, second-stage,
n See surgery, stage-two.
surgery, stage-one,
n a surgical procedure in which an endosseous two-stage implant is placed in the bone and the soft tissue over the implant is sutured closed to allow osseointegration of the implant before the abutment and prosthesis are attached; also known as 
first-stage surgery.
surgery, stage-two,
n a surgical procedure in which the soft tissue over a submerged implant is removed in order to place an abutment into the implant; also known as 
second-stage surgery.

Be sure to ask any questions you may have Before Surgery.

Yonge Surgical